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"Today I woke up with a message on my mind that was really hitting home for me, but also felt like it wanted to be shared with others. The euphemism that was used was "we can't bake a cake without the proper ingredients".
And it was really this feeling of understanding how important it is that we participate in our creation. There's a lot of talk about how when you're trying to manifest something, the ingredients will just show up for you. That all you have to do is feel it, think about it, envision it, bring emotion to the vision - and while all of that is good, you do want to know what you want and you do want to begin to manifest and feel it in your mind first, because it does begin as an energy, as a thought first. There are steps that come after that require us to participate in the process of manifestation.
And it really came to me in this way of being in the kitchen and wanting to bake this cake. And you have it on your vision board. You have this beautiful, pink, fluffy, gorgeous 3-tiered cake on your vision board that you've been thinking about and you're just imagining eating it, and you even can imagine the fork hitting resistance as it goes through the frosting and into that delicious, moist cake. And you can imagine how good it's gonna feel once it hits your tongue, and you can feel the textures and the sweetness and the fluffiness, the richness. You've got that down, pat. You can see it, you can emote with it, you feel it.
But did you actually go to your pantry to see if you have the ingredients?
Do you have flour? Do you have sugar? Do you have eggs? Do you have vanilla? Do you have the things ready and available to create the cake that you're dreaming about?
Did you even get up and go to the kitchen yet?
Or are you just sitting and looking at your vision board with this cake and you're thinking, "oh, it's just gonna show up?"
Maybe... but maybe there's an easier way. And really in the process of baking the cake, it's not just about eating the cake. It's also about understanding how to get the cake into your life, which is really the purpose of manifestation. It's not actually to "get the thing". That's just a nice little addition at the end of your manifestation is that you get to eat the cake, but really, we're here to understand the depth of our ability to create.
We came into physicality to create. And if we're not understanding our power in that process and we're only ever looking for the end result, which is to receive the cake or receive the "thing", we're not really getting into a place where we're understanding and embodying our ability to manifest and to create in this physicality.
So the act of participating in our creation is responding to those sensations or those feelings - getting up. We've looked at our vision board. We've sat there, we've imagined it, we've emoted with it. Now we GET UP and we go to the pantry to see, "do I have the ingredients?".
Which would be looking at ourselves: "Do I have the ingredients within me? Do I have the parts within me to sustain abundance? Do I have the parts within me to sustain a healthy relationship that I'm trying to manifest? Do I have the parts within me to sustain a career of my dreams that would require this and this and this of me? What is required of me to have these things that I am seeking? Can I actually embody those things? Can I actually live in a way that supports and sustains having those things in my life?" Maybe not.
Maybe not YET.
So in the process of manifestation, what comes back to us is a CONVERSATION.
We're not just putting it out there. We're emoting and conversing with the UNIVERSE. We are CO-CREATING.
The universe will deliver a conversation back to us in the form of: "Are you ready? Do you have what it takes? What are you missing? What beliefs do you hold that block this, that contradict what you're trying to create?"
But if we're so busy just envisioning and then expecting it to show up, we don't hear the response from the Universe. We're not hearing the full conversation. We're one sided, we're only listening to ourselves.
So making room to listen and to hear the urges and the responses, the indications that get us to begin to look at those things within us, in our infrastructure, in our own pantry, that are not in alignment with the "thing" that we want to create - that wouldn't support it.
Maybe we're missing some ingredients, maybe we haven't built those ingredients yet, so we'll be encouraged in this conversation to move out of our comfort zone, so we can go get the ingredients! So we can build those things within us, so that we can have the thing we're seeking.
So it's really important that we're not just sending out a message or a request, but that we're actually getting still enough to be able to hear the response from the Universe and then do the thing that we're being encouraged to do.
This is a relationship. It's co-creation. And it's two sided. And we need to show up for both parts of it."